Sunday, October 19, 2008

I Devour LA, Part 7

The upside of being on the West coast with an East coast job? Your day ends at 3pm. The downside? It starts at 7am. Sheesh! Well, today was Saturday and I finally got to catch up on a little sleep. Then Pat, Miriam and I walked (yes, walked) to a cool breakfast spot called Tart. We were treated to so many delicious items that I almost forgot to snap a photo! Fortunately, the coffee kicked in while half of my twisted BLT remained (this was a BLT w/ an egg added). Check it out:

Unfortunately, I failed to capture the world-class biscuits we had as our first course. Man, those biscuits were gooooooood!

One of the things that's been kind of weird for me in DC is the complete lack of a Jewish presence there. Not that I'm religious, but I've really grown used to Judaism being represented as a culture. Now that I live in the South, well, obviously there are no Jews. And the Jews that do exist have chosen to assimilate. There are Jews in DC, to be sure, but there is absolutely no Jewish identity.

The point, you ask? Well, perhaps at the very top of my LA To Do list was visiting Canter's deli. It's a tough call for me between Canter's and the Second Avenue Deli in NYC, but I actually think I might prefer Canter's. At any rate, the sight of a really vibrant, Jewish inflected scene was really cool to behold once again. Sorta felt like home. Unfortunately, I couldn't bring myself to use my flash bulb, so the pics are blurry....but goddamn this was some superb cuisine! Matzoh ball soup, corned beef on rye, pickles, and a cream soda:

Ah, the Jews. I almost forgot about them!

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