Twenty minutes after touching down in Long Beach, I found myself standing in line for what I hope to be the first of many Mexican delicacies. A dude out on the sidewalk was frying up what appeared to be intestine my gringo friend and I decided to play it safe and order from the regular menu inside. One carnitas burrito with everything, coming right up!

Doesn't look like much, but it was loaded with yummy grilled pork, and amazing feta-like Mexican cheese. Though I do love my cheddar and sour cream, this was a nice authentic change of pace.
Here's Petey the cat attempting to take a sip of my Brisk. Petey has been all up in my grill piece for 2 days now. I am not cut out for cat ownership.
1. aw, you made a furry friend!
2. I am jealous of your burrito eating.
3. The Savage Detectives. Man. I am about to give up on this book. I have less than 200 pages left. I'm still in the "interview" section. It's getting crushingly depressing: everyone is dead or crazy or having meaningless sex. I've never given up on a book this far into it though, so I might stick it out.
4. go Phils!
I wasn't tempted to put Savage Detectives down. I really liked it, but I also felt totally puzzled by it. It was an unusual reading experience for me.
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