Today began w/ yet another trip to Cafe Tropical for mango shake and pastry. It was good, but not quite up to Tropical's usual standards. Or maybe my lack of sleep is beginning to affect my taste buds. Anyhow, no photo, as it looked the same as those previous.
We'd planned on a return to Home for lunch, but it was an absolute scorcher outside. Switched things up at the last minute and hit a cool retro diner type place called Fred 62. I was dead set on eating something healthy. But then I opened the menu and this chorizzo laden breakfast burrito appeared before my eyes like the burning bush.
It's such a tragedy that this isn't in focus. Oh man that burrito was like a work of art. You don't know what it's like living someplace where the food is awful (unless you're Amy). I practically wept into my plate while eating this. I think I now understand religion.
And then I was stuffed beyond description. But of course we headed over to Von's and stocked up on food and tequila for the World Series. Man, it was totally surreal to be rooting for the Phillies in the World Series. And even more surreal when Bill whipped up a Philadelphia-worthy Philly cheesesteak.
Wow. This thing was outrageously good. Better than Pat's. Totally on part with Tony Luke's. The real deal, cooked before my very eyes!
Maybe don't use the flash?
Oh, and man, that burrito thing made me drool.
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