I still wasn't back on my game yet today. Spent the morning and early afternoon at Adam's, hanging out with Mr. President (dog) and enjoying a little Josh time. Didn't get anything to eat, or even coffee.
Around midday I drove back to west Hollywood, or whatever Pat's neighborhood is called. I met up with Miriam for lunch, and she took me to a little place called The Chicken Lady. Of course, this being LA, the Chicken Lady was described as "doing the catering on Two and a Half Men." Good enough for me!
We walked over to the restaurant, and I still wasn't really feeling hungry, or like I had much of an appetite. And I didn't know what to expect from the Chicken Lady. The place itself was pretty nondescript (besides headshots on the wall of every original 90210 cast member). We took a little table by the window, where I proceeded to be absolutely stunned by the quality of our lunch. Only the best for Charlie Sheen, apparently.
I stupidly forgot my camera, so Miriam snapped this with her phone:

This doesn't even begin to do justice to how amazing that plate of food was. Seriously, this was one of the most delicious things I've ever put in my mouth. That there is a Chicken Caesar sandwich with a side of mac n' cheese. The sandwich bore no relation to the Caesar salad...and as you may note, the entire thing was covered in melted cheese. It was so soft, so gooey, like crawling back into a melted cheese filled womb. It was a pure sensory experience. I can't even describe it. I've never experienced anything quite like it. Also, this may have been the best mac n' cheese I've ever eaten. For real.
As if that weren't enough, the Chicken Lady gave us each a complimentary slice of outrageously delicious chocolate cake (not pictured). The cake was made out of gnash or some similarly decadent ingredient. It was ice cold, and velvety, and just delicious. I told the Chicken Lady our lunch was so good I needed to move to LA immediately.
Unfortunately, I kind of crashed soon after. I'm getting really, really tired. Starting work at 7 each morning, coupled w/ crappy nights' sleep on various couches is taking a bit of a toll. Too bad, cause I hate feeling so drained.
At night, I drove over to Peggy's to check out her new house, which is unbelievably amazing. Good job, Peg!
She cooked up some stir fry for dinner, then we caught up, rapped about LA, writing, movies, etc. Too bad I was too braindead exhausted to do much other than nod at her like the village idiot. Thankfully, Peggy held up her end of the conversation.
And her dinner tasted a lot better than my crappy photo would suggest.