Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Let The Ramblings Begin

I was on the phone last night talking about blogging, which, yes, is preposterous in the extreme. But anyway, I was speaking with someone who claims to blog once a week. As a once in a season kind of guy, I couldn't help but exclaim, "What?! But how???" The answer, as it turns out: rambling. Well, in so many words.

I've been laboring under the delusion that in order to blog I needed to have some point to make, or funny story to relate, or some review to dash off. But as it turns out, I can just write whatever the hell I want! Glory be.

OK, here goes: after years of lusting, I finally pulled the trigger on a flat screen TV. It arrived yesterday and it's glorious, it's beautiful, it's like staring into the face of God. I'm sitting next to it right now, and it's not even turned on, and I can't stop gazing at it. I'm in love. I want to take it on vacation. I want to buy it flowers. I want to take it home to meet my mom.

Wow, that was easy.


Anonymous said...

Bring 'em on. Your site is one of about 8 that isn't blocked by our firewall, and there's only so many times I can check

Anonymous said...

firewall? where's your office, East Germany, 1985?