That is a detail from INSIDE our oven, depicting what remains when you let mice nest in your stove for two years. Apparently, the animals who occupied our house previously had no problem with this state of affairs, nor with the unimaginable odor which emanated forth from the stove as a result. What's worse, our slumlord sees no problem with this. To him, this constitutes a perfectly safe, sanitary, and acceptable living environment. Not only that, but he views me as the problem, a high-maintenance tenant who insists on making his life miserable.
But, aha: here's where attorneys and the DC housing inspector come in, to strike the fear of God and citations into slumlords everywhere. Like the cockroaches no doubt slumbering somewhere inside this oven, the slumlord scurries out into the light of day when said slumlord's ass is held in close proximity to the proverbial fire. And thus, tonight I purchase a new stove, and the slumlord pays.
Just a note for all my readers. Why have I not been writing any amusing entries of late? Because I've been far to busy dealing with this unbelievable bullshit.
Your landlord is an ass. I wish we did go to court, because I'd ask that he pay attorney fees, and we'd have a nice dinner on him.
I hope you are now in possession of a new oven, and are busy planning the menu for Weekly Dinner. Have an extra glass of wine for me.
before the new oven gets installed and this one thrown out, i think we're going to take out some of that grossness, put it in an envelope, and mail it to him
Do It!
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